Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior <p data-sider-select-id="6b2b64fa-6030-40f0-a4a0-3e4b4f0522b7">Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior with ISSN number: <a href="" data-sider-select-id="3eec688b-fdbb-4e1d-9b6c-a592b2a6eb25">2987-6915</a> is a double-blind review method international journal that publishes authentic scientific articles relating to valuable ideas that contain findings of various local wisdom in the field of Islamic studies in Asia. The journal is aimed at promoting various local issues that correlate with the behaviors of Muslim communities and Islamic practices in Asia. This journal is, specifically, interested in high-quality qualitative research capable of finding various policies wherein Islam intersects with local beliefs, rituals, traditions, customs, and cultures. The discussions include local issues in Asia, e.g.: spirituality (Sufism), religiosity, faith, cosmological belief, social and political identities, customs, and cultures, tolerance, and Islamic moderation, as well as assorted expressions of digital religious and spiritual life, digital religion and religious authority contestation in the age of new media, but not necessarily limited to the aforementioned scope. The purpose is to facilitate all researchers and academicians throughout Asia to publish their research paper and to develop networks among scholars in Asia and the international world. We invite writers who have diverse backgrounds and are underrepresented. JAWAB, published twice a year (March and September), always places Islam as a spiritual practice and traditions of Muslim communities as local wisdom in Asia in the central focus of academic inquiry and invites any discussions as the aim and scopes. JAWAB is a member of since 2023, so each article has its unique DOI number.</p> en-US (JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior) (Durrotul Mas’udah) Mon, 21 Oct 2024 11:21:16 +0000 OJS 60 The Relationship between Local Wisdom and Islamic Against Ka’ombo in Buton’s Lambusango Forest <p>Forms of local wisdom are very diverse, starting from certain ceremonies, certain crafts, and certain activities that are considered beneficial for human survival. Local wisdom indeed aims to maintain the original characteristics of each region and is beneficial for the people in that region, but how does Islam assess this local wisdom? The relationship between local wisdom and the Islamic religion is mutually sustainable towards environmental preservation by using kaombo in the Lambusango Forest, Buton. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with the type of phenomenological research. According to Creswell, qualitative research arises in the background of natural situations in which many human behaviors and events occur. The Ka'ombo ritual is included in al 'urf al-khash, namely customs that apply in society and in certain areas, in this case a special tradition in the Buton Sultanate and which continues to be preserved by the Buton people until now. As for its validity from a syara' perspective, the Ka'ombo ritual is included in Al-'urf al-shahih, namely customs that apply in society that do not conflict with the texts (verses or hadith), do not eliminate their benefits, and do not bring harm to they.</p> Sukiyawati, Muhammad Majid Copyright (c) 2024 Sukiyawati, Muhammad Majid Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Islamic Education Based on Local Wisdom in Facing Religious Radicalism in Baubau City Islamic Boarding Schools <p>Religious radicalism is a serious threat to social harmony and national unity, including in Islamic boarding schools. This study aims to identify how local wisdom-based Islamic education can be used to prevent religious radicalism in Islamic boarding schools in Baubau City. The main problem raised is how local wisdom, which includes cultural values of tolerance, mutual cooperation, and togetherness, can be integrated into Islamic education to form moderate and anti-radicalism attitudes among students. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis at several Islamic boarding schools in Baubau City. The results of the study show that Islamic boarding schools that integrate local wisdom into their curriculum are able to create a more inclusive and tolerant educational environment. Local wisdom-based teaching has succeeded in instilling the values of moderation and diversity in students, which are important foundations in countering religious radicalism. In conclusion, Islamic education that strengthens local wisdom has a significant role in forming the character of moderate students, so that they are effective in facing the challenges of religious radicalism in the modern era.</p> La Ode Bunga Ali, Malik Al-asadii Musliem Copyright (c) 2024 La Ode Bunga Ali, Musliem Malik Al-asadii Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Eliminating Qanun Jinayat in Resolving Sexual Violence in Indonesia: A Comparative Study of the TPKS Law and Qonun Jinayat <p><em>Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS) was&nbsp;passed&nbsp;in April 2022 after waiting almost 12 years when it&nbsp;was submitted&nbsp;as an initial draft law to the DPR. Unlike other laws, TPKS Law&nbsp;was designed&nbsp;using a bottom-up system to address the problem of overcoming sexual violence in Indonesia, the number of which increases every year. However, not all regions in Indonesia will use the TPKS Law when cases of sexual violence occur. Aceh Province is the only province that, based on special autonomy, is allowed to have its criminal law called </em>Qanun Jinayat<em>. This research compares the regulations regarding preventing sexual violence contained in TPKS Law and the Aceh </em>Qanun Jinayat. It looks at <em>the threat to the protection of victims of criminal acts, especially victims of criminal acts of sexual violence. This research is normative legal research, which analyzes statutory regulations. The results of the study show that TPKS Law regulates the prevention of sexual violence more comprehensively than the </em>Qanun Jinayat,<em> which requires more comprehensive protection for victims than the </em>Qanun Jinayat<em>. There are also articles in the </em>Qanun Jinayat<em> that tend to cause&nbsp;revictimization,&nbsp;rather than protecting victims</em><em>.</em></p> Laili Nur Anisah, Anditya Ariesta Wibisono Copyright (c) 2024 Laili Nur Anisah Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evolution of Sunna in Aqiqah Tradition of Kamang Mudiak Community Agam District West Sumatera <p><em>This article discusses the Kamang Mudiak community's reception of the Islamic teaching on the sunnah of akikah. The acceptance of the sunnah gave birth to the tradition of </em>mambadakan paja<em>. In this tradition, there is a process of transmission of the sunna that involves cultural agents. The discourse of contemporary hadith studies includes this study in the group of living hadith. This research uses a phenomenological approach. In analysing the materials, the author uses Fazlur Rahman's theory of sunna evolution (d. 1988) and Clifford Geertz's theory of symbolic interpretation (d. 2006). The results of this study reveal that the tradition of </em>mambadakan paja<em> was born evolutively. It has historical roots that go back to the tradition of welcoming the birth of a baby during the time of Muhammad. The formation of this tradition cannot be separated from the role of cultural agents such as ulama and ninik mamak. In its development, for the people of Kamang Mudiak this tradition is not only an Islamic identity but also a cultural identity. Through this tradition they give symbolic meaning as an expression of gratitude, prayer and hope and sacredness to something.</em></p> Gusnanda Eljambaky, Irwansyah Ade Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Eljambaky Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Religious Expression in the Digital Age: Shalawat Practices among Generation Z Indonesians <p>new religious trend on TikTok social media through religious expression played by urban Muslim millennials in the form of shalawat is taking place in the information age. This article aims to investigate the religious expression of urban Muslim millennials through shalawat impressions that often appear on the homepage. This research method uses descriptive qualitative through virtual ethnography approach. The data collection technique is through the selection of shalawat content on TikTok social media played by urban Muslim youth. The author chooses 3 shalawat contents that are considered viral and often circulate on TikTok social media. The results of this study show that TikTok media as a space for expressing the religiosity of urban Muslim millennials takes an important part in increasing social religious activities, fostering religious spirit and self-existence by openly displaying religious symbols, products and identities. The activism of young urban Muslims massively carries out religious rituals that are formed naturally in the form of virtual taklim assemblies that bring out passion in religion.</p> Baidawi Baidawi, Hamdan Daulay, Kamarul Azman bin Khamis Copyright (c) 2024 Baidawi Baidawi Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000