Focus And Scope

JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior focuses on publishing an array of research articles on Islam as a spiritual practice and traditions of Muslim communities as local wisdom in Asia, with a greater preference for qualitative and field research. It is aimed at promoting a diverse range of local beliefs, local figures, local traditions, local wisdom, and local thoughts as well as local religious dynamics relating to the behavior of Muslim communities in Asia. Accordingly, JAWAB emphasizes high-quality field studies on the traditions and behaviors of Muslim communities in Asia, which include: spirituality (Sufism), religiosity, faith, cosmological belief, social and political identities, customs, and cultures, tolerance, and Islamic moderation, as well as assorted expressions of digital religious and spiritual life, digital religion and religious authority contestation in the age of new media, but are not limited to these scopes. Only articles that are in line with the focus and scope of the journal shall be accepted in order to facilitate all Indonesian and non-Indonesian researchers and academia to publish their research papers and develop a network among scholars the world over. We invite writers of various backgrounds and those who are underrepresented.

Section Policies

Islamic Spirituality in Asia

  • Sufism in Urban Society
  • Sufism and Religious Capital
  • Sufism and Environmental Sustainability
  • Sufism, Simplicity and Happiness in Life
  • Sufism, between Social Elitism and Alienation
  • Sufism and Socio-Political Change
  • Networks and Genealogy of Local Schools of Sufism
  • Obedience to Spiritual Leader
  • Sufism and Local Wisdom
  • Local Schools of Tariqa

Local Spirituality as Schools of Faith and Belief

  • Practices, Rituals, and Teachings of Local Spirituality
  • Appeal of Local Spiritual Figures
  • Followers of Schools of Faith and Belief
  • Rise of New Local Schools and Beliefs
  • The Concept of Karamat and Supernatural Power of Spiritual Leader

Religiosity and Social Harmony

  • Local Figures’ Understanding of Interfaith Tolerance
  • Moderation Practices using Local Wisdom Approaches
  • Influence of Local Figures on a Harmonious Environment within a Diversity of Faith
  • Teachings and Rituals of Faith and Local Customs Containing Harmony
  • Local/Communal Conflicts among Religious Understandings
  • Religiosity and Social Relations between the Social Minority and Majority
  • Religious Leaders as Actor and Factor of Social Harmony
  • Power Struggle for Religious Influence among Local Religious Leaders

Islam as Customary Rituals and Local Culture

  • Religious Rituals as Local Wisdom
  • Religious Rituals and Surge of Modernity
  • Religious Rituals on Islamic Holy Days
  • Circumcision and Marriage Rituals between Islam and Local Traditions
  • Practices of Religious Rituals during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Islamic Influence on Local Culture and Customary Practice
  • Faith of Hinterland Local Community
  • Juncture between and Journey of Islam, Local Culture and Custom
  • Between Religious and Customary Sacralities

Islam, Identity and Local Wisdom

  • Islamic Genealogy as Local Identity
  • Juncture and Journey of Islam to Becoming Local Custom
  • Islamic Symbols and Understanding as Local Identity
  • Islam and the Formation of Communal Piety
  • Traditional Piety in Modern Life
  • Global Diaspora and Local Religious Identity
  • Masculine and Feminine in the Perspective of Local Wisdom
  • Wisdom in Local Architecture, Fashion, Culinary, and Art
  • Education Containing Local Wisdom
  • Communal Asset Management as Local Wisdom
  • Conflict between Islamic Teachings and Ethnic Ritual Practices
  • The Concept of Cursed and Baraka of Local Figures.

Islam and Local Cosmological Beliefs

  • Islam in Healing Practices of Supernatural Illnesses
  • Islam and Shamanic Practices as Local Wisdom
  • Islam and Mythology of Sacred Sites
  • Islam and Holy and Sacred Objects
  • Islam and Sacred Plants/Animals of Local Communities
  • Islam and Communal Taboos
  • Possession Trance as a Cosmological and Religious Phenomenon

Digital Life of Local Muslim Millennials

  • Sacrality of Religion in the Era of Social Media
  • Social Media Usage by Local Spiritualists
  • New Media and Religious Flaunting by Local Celebrities
  • Religious Activities of Local Millennials on Social Media
  • New Media and Short Cut Spirituality
  • New Media as a Source of Religious Behavior

Peer Review Process

JAWAB applies a strict double-blind review policy for all articles worthy of publication. The identity of the author is concealed from the reviewers and the identities of the reviewers are concealed from the author. Accordingly, authors must present their article honestly, they must not falsify data, present misleading information, manipulate data or plagiarize. Authors can be wrong, but they must not lie. The scope of the review includes: state of the art dan novelty, empirical grounding, problem statement, conceptual framework, clarity of methodology, explanatory logic, implications, quality of communication dan use of recent literary sources relevant to the discussion. To expedite the review process and response to the author, editors may reject articles that are not aligned with the focus and scope of the journal or do not meet the review criteria. Accepted articles must be submitted for review to external reviewers. The process shall take a period of 4 to 6 weeks to complete. Once the reviewers submit their review results, the editors shall notify the author as soon as possible. The process shall take approximately 8 to 12 weeks. The editorial team reserves the right to ultimately decide to accept or reject an article. The decision of the editors is final, independent and inviolable. All correspondences between the editorial staff and authors must be done via OJS or our official email address:

Open Access Policy

JAWAB applies a high standard open publication principle by adhering to the following criteria:

  1. Open access is provided to all published article to promote academic freedom, collaborations among international scholars, and global exchange of knowledge.
  2. Authors are granted the right to distribute their article without reservation.
  3. All article contents are retained in a long-term archive system.
  4. DOI is used on all articles to as a permanent document identification model.

Publication Ethics And Malpractice Statement

As an international journal with a strict standard and blind review process, JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior asserts the significance of publication ethics. This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication of articles in JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior specified based on COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guideline for Journal Editors. This is intended to prevent publication malpractice. All forms of unethical behavior are not acceptable and the journal shall not tolerate plagiarism in any way, shape, or form.

Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication

Blind review is the most substantial underlying factor in the publication of articles in JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior in order to maintain objectivity and development of scientific knowledge and the dignity of both authors and publisher. Peer reviewed articles affirm the use of scientific method in the development of science and knowledge. This underlies the significance that a standard of ethical behavior has for all parties involved in the publication process, namely: authors, journal editors, peer reviewers, the publisher, and the wider academic community. JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior is committed to ensuring that all stages of the publication process are conducted in earnest as we recognize our ethical responsibility is a standard to maintain our quality and reputation as an international journal. We shall also provide solutions should any conflict arise in article publication.

Publication Decisions

The editors of JAWAB: Journal of Asian Wisdom and Islamic Behavior reserve the authority to decide which articles should be published once approved by the Editor-in-Chief. In the decision-making process, editorial team meetings may be guided by the policies of the journal’s editorial board and constrained by various applicable legal requirements such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. In certain cases, editorial team meetings may confer with and attend to the perspectives of other editors or reviewers.

Fair Play

Manuscripts are assessed and evaluated without regard to religion, race, social group background, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, or the political orientation of authors when deciding whether they would be accepted to proceed to the subsequent stage.


The editors and editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone at any time other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, or the editorial team as appropriate and necessary and in line with the editorial decision.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

The editors must not use unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript (rejected for publication) for personal interest without the consent of the corresponding original author.

Duties of Reviewers

Contribution to editorial decisions

The editors take peer review results into consideration to assist them in deciding whether the submitted manuscripts are acceptable for publication. Peer review is also intended to improve the quality of the paper so that it complies with standards of high-quality articles.


The editors allow a period of 3 weeks for reviewers to review a single manuscript. In the case that additional time for review is required or a reviewer is unable to complete a review, the reviewer must notify the editors and excuse oneself from the review process.


Any manuscripts submitted for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except as authorized by the editors.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively, respectfully, with dignity, positive notes of improvements or criticisms should be expressed clearly by using logical and supporting arguments. Personal criticism of the author, insults, and demeaning comments are inappropriate.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. A number of recent literature (primarily articles published in the last 5 years) relevant to the article’s discussion that have not been referred should be suggested as referential sources. Accordingly, any statement, analysis, and argument must be accompanied by relevant literary sources. Reviewers should also communicate and call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest with the contents discussed by the author. Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have competitive, collaborative, or other connections or relations with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the paper.

Duties of Authors

Reporting Standards

Authors should present truly accurate and significant account of research data coupled by objective discussion of their significance. Data should be presented in sufficient detail and adequate references to allow others to replicate the work. Knowingly inaccurate data or deliberate fraudulent statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Data Access and Retention

In certain case and conditions, authors may be asked to provide data by the editors for the purpose of editorial review. In addition, authors should be ready to provide public access to the data. Accordingly, if possible, authors should be prepared to retain their research data in its original state for a reasonable amount of time after publication.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. Plagiarism constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable whatever the reason. The journal editors may revoke or withdraw article publication if it is identified to be a result of plagiarism.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Ethic wise, authors should not publish two or several manuscripts originating from or describing essentially the same research to various journals. Submitting the same or similar manuscript from the same research to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Proper acknowledgement of the work of others should always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.

Authorship of the Paper

Authorship for articles written by a group of authors should be limited to a maximum of five collaborating authors and to those who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and acknowledged the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication.

Hazards and Human or Animal and Environmental Subjects

  • If the research work involves human subjects, the author must acquire written consent.
  • If the research work involves persons with disabilities, the author must acquire written consent from their representing guardian.
  • If the research work involves children, the author must acquire consent from their parents or guardian.
  • The author should not include any personal information that may disclose the identity of human subjects involved in any form of descriptions, photos, or genealogy.
  • If the research work involves animal subjects, the author must acquire written consent from the owner or proper authority.
  • If the research work involves nature, the environment or a determined site/location, the author must acquire written consent from the proper authority,
  • If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have unusual hazards inherent in their use, the author must clearly identify them in the manuscript.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support (if any) for the project must be disclosed.

Fundamental errors in Published Works

When authors discover significant errors or inaccuracy in their own published work, it is their obligation to immediately notify the journal editors or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.